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  • Interactive Net-Based Installation 10'000 moving cities deals with the world of information, user-generated content and news about places, cultures, people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the
  • This collaborative composition consists of 6 movements, leading the listener through a utopian sonic maelstrom in a modern re- interpretation of some sections of ‘New Atlantis’ (Francis Bacon, 1624- 27). Psychedelica, field recordings and abstract
  • eural is a printed magazine established in 1993 dealing with new media art, electronic music and hacktivism. It was founded by Alessandro Ludovico and Minus Habens Records label owner Ivan Iusco in Bari (Italy). In its first issue (distributed in
  • Ataraxia (EP) -
    Ataraxia (EP)Artist: German GomezComment:
  • As viewers walk in front of Make Like a Tree’s projected wall, their shadows are recorded and return to this same image as eerie figures in the foreground and background that move between trees, disappear suddenly, and fade into the distance.
  • Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two devices. The first is a rectangular array of twelve small impellers, which stands on a table on one side of the gallery. This small
  • Heliotrope -
    Heliotrope is an artwork made using computer manipulated images and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence of events. Like many interactive artworks the piece requires input from the user. However, unlike a computer game, the
  • Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall is a virtual reality (VR) artwork, an interactive 3D computer graphic installation that enables users to experience a section of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital reconstruction of a
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • Biopsia - video
    This piece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop of colored water falls from the ceiling at regular intervals. An animation of a clockwork mechanism, revolving around the color stains, is projected onto the disc. It was part of