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  • Inspired by the "Industrial Revolution" and the subsequent changes in human development brought about by that revolution. A path that has and will lead humanity to both heaven and hell. I wanted to try to capture the paradox of this duality by
  • ... an amulet of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, a winged...
  • Gallinero - video
    Gallinero es una obra audiovisual en donde ocho huevos mantienen una conversación que nunca termina. La obra se presenta escenográficamente como un segmento de gallinero arrancado y traído al espacio expositivo en donde cobra vida. El motor de la
  • Tamas Waliczky | Homes Photography and New Media Art The exhibition through the means of photography and new media, presents the living space of the fishing village Tai O, with snapshots produced both with traditional techniques and with virtual
  • Unusual, bright-colored birds were observed on the Piazza San Marco in the summer of 2012, and in Copenhagen in the same year similar birds were sighted, which largely maintained close proximity to pigeons. When looking at the birds more closely,
  • In separate installations of the History Apparatus, the artist planted in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred years: on the central square of Neumarkt in the town of Arnsberg and on the terrace of the Neue Nationalgalerie
  • DeadPlanetFine* -
    DEADplanetFINE* #interactive #mouseover #animations DEADplanetFINE*, is an Orwellian web 1.0 retro-renaissance remixology project consisting of looped animated mouseover gif-film-crawls. DEADplanetFINE*, are animated acid humorous
  • Deriva -
    Deriva is a participative media performance which takes place on public space and can be followed live, through a web browser, anywhere in the world. A smartphone, attached to a bunch of helium filled balloons, broadcasts out of control images and
  • Initially this work was developed as a stereoscopic projection for a concert of the Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel and performed at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations
  • PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of panoramic photographic scenes and cinematic events. It utilizes the interaction paradigm first developed in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a