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  • The Butterfly in the Brain is the name of an exhibition that referenced the human nervous system. It consisted of a series of digital prints that employs the image of a brain that has been produced by MRI technology. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Aspects of Gaia -
    The installation is a 2-level schematization of this telematic Gaia. One level is presented in tents, with computer graphic images contributed by networkers around the world, and which can be further manipulated by participants in the tents.
  • Planetary Network -
    The «daily news» was the theme of this project in which more than 100 artists on three continents participated. The artists worked with computers, video text, slow-scan-TV, and telefax. The live activities in Venice lasted a period of 14 days,
  • Telenoia -
    What TELENOIA is about is telematic connectivity, mind to mind across the globe. We'll use e.mail like Earn, Bitnet, Internet. We'll use Fax, Telephone of course, ISDN if it's accessible.If we get hold of Videophones or some means of
  • Apollo 13Artist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    The project, based in cyberspace, enables new cybernetic identities, known as cyb-ids, to emerge and flourish as the result of viewer interaction at the public interface. Cyb-ids are multimedia clusters drawn from the identity profiles of invited
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    Four Imaginary Walls is an interactive environment controlled by external weather conditions. Sensor devices measure wind speed, light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which synthesises a real-time virtual 3D
  • Wild -
    Wild is an interactive virtual sculpture. The structure of the sculpture depends on the movement of objects within the local environment of the work. A video camera pointed at the viewers of the work and the local environment sends digitised
  • Psychic Space -
    Psychic SpaceArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • Universal Zoologies -
    Universal Zoologies is an interconnected series of autonomous, self-generating, poetic spaces that are navigated by people experiencing the work. The project aims to represent emotive, abstract, artificial life digi-scapes, each based around a