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  • ... screen-based installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, software design, and physical interaction. Two... portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the artist - react to the movements of passersby. When visitors walk in...
  • ... of the storyline using wireless data goggles (HoloLens). Digital holographic miniatures and scenarios unfold, intertwining with...
  • Golem -
    Digital video installation 2 monitors and 12 channel audio, colour, sound audio by Hans Peter Kuhn Golem was a two channel video... issues around contemporary technologies such as Genetics and Artificial Intelligence. Exhibited Cartwright Hall, "Art and...
  • ... projection changes before the viewer’s eyes forming a living digital wallpaper. Netomatheque was first presented at the San Francisco... Netomatheque was first presented at the San Francisco Art Institute as part of the "Telematic Connections: The Virtual...
  • genieBottles -
    ... can be seen as graspable "containers" and "controls" for the digital story information. The genieBottles use a simple state... users interact with the system, they capture the genies at a particular moment in time, during which they talk about their state of...
  • ... of an image. At the zoom extremes the joystick generates a digital transition from one image layer to another. The Narrative... metaphor is one of emblematic places whose typologies are articulated in the fate of its denizens. The spoken texts, written by...
  • ... represented as a cloud of shifting shades of gray. I break the digital text down into it's smallest components, 0 and 1, then use...
  • etoy -
    ... author of infamous projects such as: the etoy.TANK-SYSTEM, the digital hijack, etoy.SHARES, etoy.TANK-17, TOYWAR. 2003... and the Internet, written by Regula Bochsler and Adam Wishart.
  • ...k Matter' is a fully immersive, physically interactive, three-dimensional digital projection environment. The artwork explores whether the body... three-dimensional digital projection environment. The artwork explores whether the body might be perceived as an absence,...
  • Drive -
    ... that combines traditional cinematic technology with new digital and military-based imaging systems. These include new... are embedded, their emerging formats of regimentation, and the particular ways in which they ‘arm’ vision. It emphasizes the ways in...