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  • Inside the entry curtain, visitors follow a fiber-optic cable to the center of the resonating enclosure where a portal through the floor frames the installation's focal point. The live seismic data stream drives an embedded visual display and
  • William Kentridge describes Johannesburg, South Africa, providing a social and historical context for his animated films, including "Johannesburg, 2nd Greatest City after Paris" (1989). Excerpted from William Kentridge: Anything Is Possible, a film
  • Two fully functioning saunas are linked via the Internet, equipped with media streaming and interactive video tools. Though perhaps on different continents, the two saunas position their users in almost identical physical states, in a sense closer
  • facade presents the emotional real time state of the city of Trondheim is by using live data, and CCTV images to represent the Nova Building as a living breathing entity. NOVA FAÇADE. CICIOGNON SQUARE, TRONDHEIM This proposal has won the Nova
  • Soundcities -
    Description of Soundcities project. This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is
  • Soul Of The City -
    Soul Of The City By Stanza 2009 Enter Artwork online. Version one. Version two. Version three. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is the city
  • antidatamining -
    Antidatamining is a series of visualisations of financial data. Economy is represented by its main agents –companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds– and their interaction: capital relationships, geographic
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    "Mutatis mutandis" is an interactive computerised installation. It’s hypermedia project realised from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and philosophy, and explores the language of interact ivity in the
  • -
    In Irvin Kershner's movie "Eyes of Laura Mars" from 1978, photographic artist Laura Mars experiences visions of the murder of her friends and colleagues as seen through the eyes of the murderer. The protagonist of Janet Cardiff's internet
  • la huella -
    la huella, 2010 iMac, Quartz Composer, microphone, projector, 200 x 150 cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation, adaptation and destruction. It is a reflection on survival and evolution in nature, a neverending