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  • The installation "Another Day in Paradise" was composed of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and touchscreen trees. The equipment not contained in the trees themselves was hidden from view in fiberglass rocks. The monitors were embedded in
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... as it moves through changes and permutations out of...
  • n0time -
    ... built on information exchange and where physical presence...
  • "Poverty Island with video Skies" is the beginning of an exploration of the integration of video images into a virtual environment. This integration will allow me to combine a long-standing interest in the evocative similarities of the forms and
  • Gallery of Motions -
    A sculpture garden and gallery where even the plants and buildings move, with tours conducted by an animated guide. The garden is comprised of exhibits including kinetic objects based on the Philippine wine dance and three-dimensional harmonic
  • Fugitive -
    Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user moves through an impressionistic visual experience based in a digital video database. The question of
  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    ...Sympathetic Sentience Is an interactive sound installation which...
  • Time-accelerated PaintingArtist: Jaron LanierComment:
  • TRIAD HyperDance -
    TRIAD HyperDance is an interactive art work on the net, containing a dance work as hypervideo and an interactive choreography. The work can be seen at the url address and at the The TRIAD
  • This CAVE-based interactive and immersive installation explores the potential of the world-wide web as interactive and immersice data and information medium. Today information on the Internet is presented in a standard fashion, as defined by the