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  • ... directed by Marikki Hakola. The video is based on the original...
  • ...Enter the mechanics of a mind shot through by the forces of elctromagnetism,...
  • [the clearing] -
    ... artwork that focuses on the language of American print... use the computer to examine an old hunting photograph made visible in... culled from the archives of the Oakland Data Center. In its dormant...
  • ..."An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and... "An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War" is an interactive CD-ROM and...
  • Chance Encounters -
    ... presented on video displays at the 7th and Metro Subway station...
  • ...d by Pier-Paolo Passolini's 1969 film Theorema and by a dream... had when she was 10 years old. In the installation, visitors are...
  • Figure -
    ... are invited to take part in the formation process of the cinematic...
  • ... in three different countries. The dancer, choreographer Molissa...
  • Architext - video
    ... are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a...
  • ..."Two Origins" transforms the emblematic Place du Capitole by projecting the... to scan texts that had been folded by history and intolerance.