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  • AirBoard -
    a board ride on the air Air Board is a sculptured board with jet engine and made for the purpose of hovering in the air. It is loaded with small turbojet engine and allows one person to stand on and hovers a few centimeters high above the ground
  • DAS IST MEINE NEUE FREUNDIN This installation explores one example of the cyberfeminist protagonist: Lara Croft in the computer game 'Tomb Raider.' This mediawork is comprised of several elements: German poster advertising for the game,
  • Inhabit the Meat of your Body is an interactive video installation / performance created using Mandala on an Amiga. Participants are taken on a roller-coaster ride inside a human body while standing in front of a large video screen. A video camera
  • Under Fire -
    UNDER FIRE is an ongoing art and research project that explores militarization and political violence. It delves into the structural, symbolic, and affective dimensions of armed conflicts: the organization, representation, and materialization of
  • Wavescape -
    A permanent interactive sound installation for the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport. (source:
  • new ocean -
    new oceanArtist: Doug AitkenComment:
  • automated mirror sculpture (stainless steel mirrors, baltic birch, electrical motors) 76 3/4 x 41 1/2 x 8 inches 194.9 x 105.4 x 20.3 cm
  • electric earth -
    In Doug Aitken’s cinemascope-like, walk-in, multi-sectioned, video installation «Electric Earth» [...] the public is transported into the atmosphere of an airport by night. A flaming car and an abandoned shopping cart compliment the eerie scenario
  • new skin -
    The Broad Art Foundation's new skin, 2002, presents an evolution from Aitken's earlier styles, both physically and conceptually. Projected from four corners of a room onto a pair of suspended, intersecting oval screens, the work is part film and
  • the moment -
    Showing for the first time in the UK, The Moment is a vast kaleidoscopic audio-visual installation by Doug Aitken, capturing the acute sense of disorientation experienced on waking in an unfamiliar place. (Source: