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  • Time Value -
    ... are connected in real time on the "n-value" servers from different...
  • ...e world’s computing power is moving into the Cloud – but where does the Cloud get...
  • Dadameter -
    ...Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the Dadameter aims at measuring...
  • ... of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate...
  • Season in Hell -
    ...After four turbulent years serving the President, Secretary-at-Large Randall M....
  • "Touch me"
    ... are mounted on a platform. The monitor with the touch screen is...
  • ...ual, bright-colored birds were observed on the Piazza San Marco in the summer of...
  • ... biomass and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The blue light in the...
  • Elektroplankton -
    ... music video game developed by the Japanese interactive media artist...
  • ...42-The Large Meteor T-R-A-P investigates the possibilities of calculating and... “Space Tug“ will be explored as well as impulsive deflective technologies...