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  • Gogol Chat -
    ... happening shifts the chat beyond the dimension of meaning and communication. Finally GogolChat became a collaborative...
  • TextArc
    ... at about two o'clock, can be seen because the tiny lines retain their formatting. Frequently used words stand out from the... by providing an overview, letting intuition help extract meaning from an unread text. Here, an analysis of Lewis Carroll's...
  • ... my own identity and perceptions of time. Different layers of meaning were constructed by meshing together traditional crafting...
  • Word Play
    ... LED displays they create unforeseen juxtapositions of words and meaning. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • Feed -
    ... information, it consumes information, reducing structure, meaning and content to a stream of text and pixels. An anti-browser,...
  • Watch Out! -
    ... to see us. Their scale on the screen gives them another meaning. These eyes no longer belong to the pedestrian spectators...
  • sensegenerator -
    ... german language to form sentences with fresh and unexpected meaning. The physical state of person gives clues for the complexity...
  • ... – Reflection can also be understood as an artistic metaphor of dichotomy, implied by the dual meaning of the word reflection,... as an artistic metaphor of dichotomy, implied by the dual meaning of the word reflection, since it can denote the optic...
  • ... symbols, the Indian goddess Kali and a Yoni stone, the Tibetan goddess Dorje Naljorma, a statue of a noble ancestor of the lwena... and cultures, while they morph into each other - the cultural meaning of the female genital becomes visible again. You'll see...
  • On translation -
    ... category undergoes a change in meaning regarding the interpretation within the new context and the renewed reception. The... entity and every specific category undergoes a change in meaning regarding the interpretation within the new context and the...