Archive Search

  • ... noise or ‘dust’ in the data. But when combining data from...
  • On Broadway -
    ... did not want to show the data in a conventional way using...
  • antidatamining -
    ... of financial data. Economy is represented by...
  • Weather Gauge -
    ...In Weather Gauge, numerical weather data from over 150 countries is...
  • Text Trends -
    ... Using Google data it explores the vast search...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... their users various body data and links them to the...
  • Two Cycles -
    ... the laptops can share data. The data shared by the...
  • Tweetopia
    ...Tweetopia are data-scrolls, documenting the passing of time, through...
  • Greenhouse -
    ...Greenhouse is a generative data visualization installation. The work...
  • House of Cards -
    ... Music video, interactive data viewer, and source code. ...