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  • SKIN - Performance -
    SKIN is an interactive performance, in which the artist interacts with sounds and images using the GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures her skin's moisture in order to create the audiovisual environment. The variations of these
  • Metabodies
    This project investigates the unexpected diversity to be found on the human ecosystem and its 'social network'; this, by focusing on the language of billions of bacteria, which populate it. Sonja Bäumel tested two subjects each of them left hand
  • Biomer Skelters (“biome” + “helter-skelter“) is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a city-wide public artwork by connecting participants’ interior biorhythms to exterior urban ecosystems.
  • London 2013 – and 2014 – reveal the view from Christina Niederberger’s studio on the 8th floor of ASC Studios’ Erlang House looking north over London’s newly emerging skyline. The images were constructed a pixel a second from top left to the bottom
  • The sculptures “reconfigure(d) – object 1 and 2” are part of a series of kinetic objects dealing with elusive states of consciousness and the translation of brain activity measurements into rhythms. With this body of work I am studying the
  • Expanded Self -
    Expanded Self has been realised for the documentary film 'Wir sind Planeten', produced by ServusTV-Terra Mater. Since 2008, Sonja Bäumel is exploring the human skin and its potential. This project is part of her on-going research and creative
  • The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks) refers to the skin of the tree as well as to the skin of the human body, as a surface of appearance, at
  • SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain Two neon signs are superimposed one upon the other. One in green says "Resistance is Fertile", while another one in red says "Resis tance is Futile". When one sign is lit, the other statement is quiescent.
  • Workshop and exhibition, results from the collaborative practice of a group of scientists and artists who were involved in all stages from the preparatory stages, in Brazil, to the event in Havana. LART, in the Art and Science circuit by proposing
  • video loop 1,54' Video Vanitas – Self-portrait presents a hypnotic image of the continuous dissolution of the author's face, skull and brain. The repetitive liquefying interplay between the exterior and the technologically-visualized exterior posits