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  • ... onto an image on a mirror (video loop 6′); two mirrors (90 x 180 cm; 90...
    ...rojection onto an image on a mirror (video loop, 3′) mirror (110 x 110 cm), foil...
  • Sync
    ...A circular looping animation projection installation. "(...) the film is based on...
  • ... consists of one video loop lasting between 90 seconds and six...
  • Cypher -
    ... agar, nutrients, streaking loops, pipettes, test tubes, synthetic...
  • Signals -
    ... into the gallery as an endless looping animation. The resulting...
  • Genetic Seed Bank -
    ...Animation for artist Suzanne Anker. Video loop created from still image for video...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... proposed interactive feedback loop establishes a relationship between...
  • The Dorm
    ...ter-image projection - 27 image / 7 minute loop
  • After Microsoft -
    ... have re-visited the hill. “After Microsoft” tells the story of a January...