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    ... Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres...
  • ... between human and economic values: emotions vs stock. Is there a...
  • SKIN - video
    ... The variations of these values are an indication of...
  • Stolen Life -
    ... metaphysical paradox : our total inability to change things...
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    ... I came up with, apparently totally out of step with the implicit...
  • ... for us to consider what are our values and goals, and, on the other...
  • ... await them online. The market value of these com panies is...
  • ... a node in a networked text - totalized, overwhelming, and illegible.
  • Titrisme -
    ... direction, without any of them totally bringing out its potential, and...
  • Art Total -
    ... a slot for those professing Total Art. The aim here is to set up...