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  • ... globe, exploring a rainbow of colourful pictures is a way to go... Nanjing U Museum of Art exhibit for the first time in China “Just Dig It!”...
  • ... come across the procedure of colourising images generated by the... 80 cm; photographs: 60 x 60 cm The crystal structures are...
  • Transcendence Index -
    ... at its time; the degree of heating of the water is controlled by... The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which...
  • ... of inter-dimensionality. The soundtrack was performed live by... for the Monthly “open decks” VJ nights hosted by Eric Medine and James...
  • ...Eduardo Kac has created an artwork aboard the International Space Station (ISS);...
  • Secret Detours -
    ... Four dancers, dressed in the colours of the cardinal directions,... versions in order to explore the screening possibilities and have...
  • ...How to view and operate the analytical grid and its several elementsENTER...
  • ...This is a still image from the video called A Walk in the City [version 2] - Video... for the Monthly “open decks” VJ nights hosted by Eric Medine and James...
  • QUARXS 90S
    ...At the beginning of the 90s, Quarxs was the very first 3D graphics HD TV series...
  • ... offered by the seductive colourful techno-images, which is,... into light with virtually no heat loss. – Uršula Berlot, 2016 'There... sound dim: 115 x 72 x 70 cm The kinetic diorama submerged within...