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  • ... 2016 LA CA. Directed and Animated by Victor... in Context, 40-year career survey 1977-2020 with...
  • ... Mediterranean Sea and its neighbouring states;... and in austere cartographic equality. As in...
  • Whiteout - video
    ... grid of steel poles and cabling. They form a... a luminous white carpet across the Park's... Hundreds of transparent white spheres, each embedded with a...
  • Secret Detours -
    ... Seide, Ross Wiliams and myself have developed a... to represent the cardinal directions of... in Singapore. Currently, my collaborators...
  • ... is all it shows; and frustrates the viewer... (Carpe Diem, 2011)... – always different and always live -,...
  • ...House (Digital Fauvism)Artist: Andreas Maria JacobsComment:
  • ... the unmapped and the unmappable: a system... Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University...
  • ... biologist, author, and conservationist whose... constructued for the Rachel Carson bridge. Carson was an...
  • ...When communications create and utilize a woven web of... cuts. The process of carving, and digging through... and what the different factors are which “color”...
  • ...Waterfall Mansion and Gallery is proud to present an... “The Need For My Care”, inspired by Maya...