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  • EVE
    Eve is about the process of how identity is generated. It is an ongoing attempt to reclaim and deconstruct identity. It is about the state of being and the sense of time. The piece is generated in realtime to create a dynamic hybrid image. This
  • Expanded Self -
    Expanded Self has been realised for the documentary film 'Wir sind Planeten', produced by ServusTV-Terra Mater. Since 2008, Sonja Bäumel is exploring the human skin and its potential. This project is part of her on-going research and creative
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    In Irvin Kershner's movie "Eyes of Laura Mars" from 1978, photographic artist Laura Mars experiences visions of the murder of her friends and colleagues as seen through the eyes of the murderer. The protagonist of Janet Cardiff's internet
  • Faces in the Sky -
    Look to the clouds trying to image faces is a carefree game that everyone does. In Faces in the Sky the artificial intelligence of a computer try to do the same action through an algorithm made for search human faces inside photos. I submitted to
  • FACT Centre -
    External lighting scheme During the early stages of the building design a concept for the external skin of the building was defined. As the building specification required predominantly ‘black-box’ spaces (cinemas/galleries), very few options were
  • Falling Girl is an immersive interactive narrative installation that allows the viewer to participate in the story of a young girl falling from a skyscraper. During her miraculously slow descent, the girl reacts to the people and events in each
  • FemCity -
    a Multi-user Computer Game for Girls --- In cooperation with Mathias Fuchs, Edeltraud-Hanappi-Egger, Gerhard Hanappi --- This Game is about careers, lifestyle, dreams and realities of young women. FemCity is a simulation of a complex social and
  • Fetch-a-Sketch is a larger than life replica of an etch-a-sketch which functions as a familiar yet unique interface to the Internet -- allowing visitors in the physical space to create drawings and upload them to the Fetch-a-sketch website while
  • Heroes are hard to find. The few, who are considered to be worth remembering, are placed somewhere, soon to be forgotten. In the obscurity of arterial roads and shaggy groves characters of bronze or stone wait to be recognised. Maybe they freeze in
  • in cooperation with Mathias Fuchs --- This game is about finding your identity (if you have got one), to change your identity, to steal or borrow another person's identity or to destroy identities. What is an identity? It is the idea that