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  • In its 2006 Gallery, the journal Nature chose an image that spatially lays out different areas of science in a plane. It is a reduction of a large-format (42" x 43") paper print. The map was constructed by sorting roughly 800,000 scientific papers
  • BioArt – Art from the Laboratory, is a documentary about bioart. A co-production of, ORF and ARTE, © 2011. "BioArt – Art from the Laboratory" is representing ORF at the 2012 Rose d'Or Competition in Lucerne, as well as at the 2012
  • Animal Locomotion -
    In Animal Locomotion (1996-2000), which began with drawings made from Muybridge's photographs of figures in motion, the viewer interactively changes the configuration of the site through interactive image manipulation. The server keeps track of the
  • Light, only light -
    Except for a few species like the Dinoflagellata, which belongs to both the plant and animal kingdoms, bioluminescence is only found in a few animal species. According to biological evolution, a single organism cannot both consume light as energy
  • Timeline
    Timeline (2004) started out as a poem about getting old, for which I collected a small database of images found on the web which resonated with the lines from the poem. Interactively, the work is based on the device used in packages like Adobe
  • Advent -
    Advent is an interactive journey into the 25 days preceding the birth of something messianic. The journey is set in and around the shoreline of a mythic river and takes the form of a fictional personal diary. At the heart of the piece is an advent
  • "Time Jitters" is a two channel video that has been exhibited as a diptych as well as part of an interactive installation. Part 1 is a grid of twenty-five animations all of which loop at different rates becoming a cacophony of pulsing color and
  • eural is a printed magazine established in 1993 dealing with new media art, electronic music and hacktivism. It was founded by Alessandro Ludovico and Minus Habens Records label owner Ivan Iusco in Bari (Italy). In its first issue (distributed in
  • The Unemployed -
    The Unemployed is an interactive installation that visualizes worldwide unemployment, depicting the jobless as animated figures moving in an abstract representation of urban space. Viewers movements are tracked and their silhouettes are replaced by
  • The original story of the Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum was published in 1900 and was already widely read by the time of the release of the 1937 film of the same name. For most people, the film provides the dominant imagery of the story, and it is