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  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... was Cubicomp built geometry from an early incomplete attempt at animating Buckminster...
  • Terrain 01 -
    ... whole ring. When the amount of alpha wave increases (the viewer is relaxed and not concerned...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... of many world-changing technologies including AC power, radio and the tesla coil....
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... works, such as "Playhouse", "Muriel Lake Incident", or "The Paradise Institute", Janet...
  • ... eroticism. Using a variety of texts which include Persian poetry from 598 A.H.; Sappho, a...
  • The Body Remembers -
    ... includes: Taped (1975), Boxed (1975), Tied (1975),...
  • The Castle -
    ... name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of...
  • the conversation -
    ... processes. The autonomous apparatus incorporates an analogue and a digital part that...
  • ... solidified into a manifesto. Since it's inception, the manifesto has evolved into a series...
  • ... presented through a circle of monitors, incorporating material from The Water Catalogue,...