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  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... is one of the most significant processes in our contemporary...
  • Virtual Station is an audio-video project which reminds us of the existing emotional states of a human being. The key of the project is the computer-human interaction. The project involves visual, auditory and emotional receptors. Visual and sound
    ... is on you. Technically, the process of creating the artworks >IN...
  • ... robotized voices, enhanced visual processing developed by MIT’s CSAIL...
  • Activism -
    ... in an utopian game area that transposed and became an example of...
  • ... panel illustrates the cutting process of both strands. Ellen Sandor...
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... played during the revolutionary processes. Al Tawil’s film installation...
  • ... recorded and edited the process of humans connecting with...
  • ... developed a novel calibration process of the individual data readings...
  • ... recorded and edited the process of humans connecting with...