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  • Two Cycles -
    ... in principle by two bicycles in motion. Every bicycle has a small...
  • me & u -
    ... design, software design, motion sensors & microcontrollers. A...
    ... artworks >IN TIME AND SPACE< passes through couple of stages,...
  • ... when the subway overhead passed.
  • ...A telematic performance with dance, motion tracking, sonic references and video...
  • ... of a person called Messiah who passed away of AIDS. The scan was...
  • SoleNoid
    ... the point so that in some fast passages, the mind links it to the...
  • ... closed cycle, extended in motion, and frozen in an endless... and hallucinating with inner passion visions of freedom and her own...
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... is conceptualized in virtual passages of new media art and the...
    ... puissante permet d’entrer des mots clefs permettant de limiter le... ou émotionnelle, sérénité, passion, colère etc. La base de données...