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  • Semantic Map -
    ... culture. Somewhat along the same lines, Fleischmann &...
  • ... Lightweight stereoscopic shutter glasses are used to view...
  • ... is covered and I am no longer visible." Taken from a...
  • For the opening night of the #HYPERLINK festival on 26th April 2013, Alex May debuted a 75 minute ‘Painting With Light’ live video mapping art performance in the South Tank at Tate Modern, London. Using his own custom software, Alex creates scenes
  • Tweet Time -
    ... then the date, will no longer be acceptable. The...
  • Hyper Real -
    For her new series “Hyper Reality” Olga Kisseleva has photographed food items stolen by consumers in a supermarket and reconstructed them as still lives. Each photo allows one to paint a portrait. Olga Kisseleva’s historical references are situated
  • Discontinuities -
    "Discontinuities" is a live video mapping installation made with discontinuities equations of geometric iterative patterns .
  • ... lightweight wood- cement shuttering formwork elements....
  • There are two structural iterations of this anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing table. One is situated in a park and has four independent wooden elements, which only from one particular point of
  • ... (viewable with LCD shutter glasses) and a six-axis...