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  • Missing matter -
    Architectures réactives de la communication Le virtuel c’est le réel avant qu’il ne passe à l’acte. Un non-espace non-matière. Il prend forme en s’actualisant. L’architecture du virtuel c’est à la fois l’architecture de l’information et
  • En septembre 1995 Les visiteurs du musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal et ceux du Centre Georges Pompidou à Paris creusaient chacun de leur côté un tunnel virtuel à la rencontre les uns des autres. Deux ans plus tard ce premier maillon d’un tunnel
  • Hand Held -
    Hand-held is an installation that consists of an apparently empty space which reveals its contents as you explore it with your hands. Today, we regularly use our hands to navigate virtual commercial, social, political and information spaces and
  • Repsat uses the latest 3D printing technology and it´s conversion from digital files to printed format. Through this conversion we obtain three dimensional models in low relief called litophanies. This litophanies when are retroiluminated works as a
  • FramedMemoryCard responds to an open serie of unique sculptures that becomes a receipt of digital information where the artist “bury” several files under the sculpture structure. It is defined us an information package hard protected with material
  • Prophylexis -
    Kapton material was developed in sixties by Dupont, a chemistry american company. From the very beginning it was one of the main used materials by aeronautics industries for it´s hot and radiation isolates properties what was become in the ideal
  • T_Visionarium, by Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matt McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, is an experimental new media work that offers the means to capture and re-present televisual information, allowing viewers to explore and actively edit a
  • It´s time
    IT'S TIME challenges one of the overarching question that pertains to the post-modern world: the acceleration of time induced by collective behaviors, and the level of frustration it induces on individuals. IT'S TIME aims at investigating several
  • M2 video
    Overall, the event is cyclical; however, the groups spend variable amounts of time going through the chambers. The immersion room is the only area of the environment where visitors are allotted a fixed time. Also, each group of spectators contains
    The Exhibition ECOSMOSIS takes place at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre from the 30th of May to the 30th of June 2012. The concept of the exhibition is by the architect Lina Stergiou and its creation in collaboration with the digital artist