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  • Pulsate (Ear on the Wall)(2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Minako Takeno In a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The lighting of the room wraps down from the ceiling and onto the vertical wall. These off-centered
  • My first project “Protrude, Flow used six electromagnets. But, the electromagnets occasionally prevented people from viewing the moving liquid. To solve this problem and to simplify the work, I discovered a new technique called “Ferrofluid
  • Walk Münster -
    Walk Münster, Park I Location: Münster inner city The artist has created for the exhibition visitor an individual Walkman-tour through the inner city of Münster, wherein she draws from the didactic form of guided audio tours. Instead of a
  • Morpho Tower -
    Morpho Tower / Two Standing Spirals (2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Yasushi Miyajima (Sony CSL) “Morpho Towers--Two Standing Spirals” is an installation that consists of two ferrofluid sculptures that moves synthetically to music. The two
  • Protrude, Flow -
    Protrude, Flow 2008 (2008) Shown at Reina Sofia National Museum in madrid. Enabling people to experience a strong aesthetic feeling is the main purpose of “Protrude Flow 2008.” This experience cannot be acquired in everyday life, and once
  • Escape © 2012, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER developed for The View Contemporary Art Space Swizerland The installation "Escape" deals with the issue of flight attempt. It was originally developed as site specific installation in the civilian
  • Second Promenade -
    Boissiers Installation "Second Promenade" is based on different meshed media: images, sounds, music, videos and a computerbased text. This hypertext is in a close relationship to the original of Rousseaus Second Promenade and can be read variably by
  • LPDT2 -
    'LPDT2 : The Second Life of La Plissure du Texte' is the Second Life® incarnation of Roy Ascott's groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte ('The Pleating of the Text'), created in 1983 and exhibited at the Musee de l'Art Moderne de la
  • off-sense 2006 -
    The physical space of the gallery becomes entangled with the navigable space of the virtual environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars float, roam and communicate
  • facade presents the emotional real time state of the city of Trondheim is by using live data, and CCTV images to represent the Nova Building as a living breathing entity. NOVA FAÇADE. CICIOGNON SQUARE, TRONDHEIM This proposal has won the Nova