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  • ... of their different fields of interest, including art, biology, modern installation,...
  • Earth day impromtu -
    ... an event organized collaboratively. It included artists Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon and...
  • ... Screen 2 presents the globe from outside, increasingly covered by the words, and the...
  • Dump au mètre -
    ... Other projects described above can be included in this category.
  • ... model, they encounter a space which is increasingly estranged from the actual physical...
  • Drive -
    ... and military-based imaging systems. These include new tracking, identifying, and targeting...
  • down Jones
    ... would seem like madness. Most users are inclined to think that a file is corrupted only...
  • ... to that artwork. As a result of the increasingly ubiquitous nature of the Internet...
  • ... and the mediated. The installation includes a sealed black steel box in our studio...
  • ... the machinery of reproduction itself now incarnates her pirouettes.