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    ... at the Kunstraum, not a lot was changed but basically nothing remained the same. On entering the space you are confronted with a... into a gallery space several years ago, today it is full of light, wide and white. With Sylvia Eckermann's intervention at the...
    ... the works, whose materiality is often soothed by the play of light. Images of the body and the fragility of their incarnation in...
  • ... motions" and gestures: A gyroscope turns in a shaft of light, hands twist in slow motion, a figure signals with flags on a...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... but our relationship to the technology itself. The element remains elusive, remains undefinable. The Heliotrope is a plant... from a empirical northern European perspective. The giver of light and life, yet often the assailant of our senses and the...
  • ... the proponents of the Gläserne Kette: "Paradise beetles, lightfish, orchids, shells, pearls, diamonds and so on - all of this...
  • sens:less -
    ... the user straps on stereoscopic viewing glasses and a light weight body suit. The custom made suit contains sixteen areas of...
  • Memopol I
    ... unlimited time. The online interface is easy to use and has light and green, friendly and trustful aesthetics. Memopol is a...
  • for pina
    ... Kalamandalam V.K. Hariharan (Kootiyattam Sanskrit Theatre). Light design by Shymon Chelad and a video installation by German...
  • ... a medium. The new water chases out the old, but the patterns remain the same. % SPACES - algorithmic spaces, with their own...
  • ... with statements from contemporary protagonists who bring to light implications and consequences of Lethal Autonomous Weapons...