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  • Opto-Isolator -
    ... this knowledge, how might they respond to us?" The sculpture presents a solitary mechatronic blinking eye, at human scale, which...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... room specially developed for the exhibition space. In previous works, such as "Playhouse", "Muriel Lake Incident", or "The...
  • Listening Post -
    ... first floor of the Science Museum. Listening Post has been presented to the Science Museum by The Art Fund.
  • News/Reel
    ... commissioned, and a programme of dance on film screenings presented. The programme culminated in a symposium and book launch at...
  • ... to interact in these data input/output screens. This paper is presenting a system for interaction in a non-obtrusive manner....
  • Unformed Symbols -
    ... another element of deception into the work. The scale and presentation of these subjects, usually intended for play, catches the...
  • Wavefunction -
    ... the work, a computerised surveillance system detects their presence and the closest chairs automatically begin to lift off the...
  • ... project builds out from the conceptual themes achieved in our previous work Cyclone.soc, but specifically explores the phenomena of...
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    ...Voteauction* was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections...
  • EAT -
    ... Also on the table, a large red button labelled EAT may be pressed. EAT consists of a formally arranged dining table, video...