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  • ...The work depicts gene editing technology CRISPR which has the potential to treat genetically caused diseases, for instance, autism. The...
  • ... become performers themselves. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • ... whether Edward Snowden is a hero or a villain. As such this work is an investigation of the nature of doubt. The work is part of a...
  • Thalamus -
    ... projection into a gallery space where the user navigates the work with a mouse or slider set on a plinth placed squarely infront of...
  • ... and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • Heaven -
    ... in Osnabruck, 18 metres above the heads of the viewers. The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewers...
  • Skulls
    ... cast in solid bone. As experience testifies, Lazzarini’s work functions by catalyzing a perspectival crisis, confronting the...
  • ... The documentary images below serve as an introduction to this work. Six different points of view of the holopoem Adhuc are provided...
  • ... and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • ... It is this space that Seiko Mikami is interested in in her work. She is not concerned with the physical objects that arise from...