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  • Pins -
    ... form. (Source:
  • NANO Mandala -
    ...The Nanomandala is an installation by media artist Victoria Vesna, in collaboration with nanoscience...
  • ... visually from the point-of-view of the media, the spectacle, dissolving their contents in...
  • ... new digital pluriverses, a more recent media theory ascribes a specific aesthetics to the...
  • p53 -
    ... Grinder p53 is a manifestation of how media have changed pre-digital art. Where...
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... (International Lab for the Unstable Media), Rotterdam, The Netherlands (source:...
  • ... existence we only infer through other media: the sight of our chest rising and falling,...
  • ... a contribution to the exhibition Seamless Media. It describes a networked installation that...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... experimental use of the teleconferencing media.
  • PICO -
    ... problems. (Source: