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  • A Stereoscopic Surround Sound Installation. Work in Progress. The viewer enters a darkened room to discover life size stereoscopic figures that appear to inhabit our own three dimensional space. These phantoms reenact a series of séances held
  • ...IKI-IKI Phone is a multi-user, networked Artificial Life (= Alife) art game for the I-mode mobile phones. In this sys- tem, subscribed users...
  • Soft Cinema - video
    Initiated by Lev Manovich in 2002, Soft Cinema project mines the new creative possibilities at the intersection of cinema, software culture, and architecture. Its manifestations include computer-driven installations and films, architectural designs,
  • Array
    ...ArrayArtist: Lev ManovichComment:
  • ...Lautriv Chromagnon MedusaArtist: Franz FischnallerComment:
  • Zero@wavefunction installation and interactivity is based on the way a nanoscientist manipulates an individual molecule (billions of times smaller than common human experience) projected on a monumental scale. When a person passes by, they cast a
  • ... he/she activates the X/Y/Z translation rotation or scale of parts of the VR world or objects. These structural modifications of the...
  • ...Inga is the alien from Alpha-1 who after spending twenty years on Earth finally gets a chance to return to her own planet...Using the rules...
  • The Freud-Lissitzky Navigator takes the visitor on a journey through an architectural simulation of Freud's theories. Scenes from Sergei Eisenstein's first attempts at a film exploration of Freud's and Lissitzky's original
  • ... ANDY WARHOL. About a hundred years later this American artist visualizes a new understanding of a subject. She is defined not...