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    Medienbiennale Leipzig 94 - Minima Media Installationen im öffentlichen Raum Installations throughout the city of Leipzig Fred Fröhlich, Tjark Ihmels, Paul Sermon, Andrea Zapp
  • Der Ausblick aus dem Fenster eines standardisiert eingerichteten Hotelzimmers stellt sich als Einspielung von Motiven dar. Via Internet können UserInnen die „Aussicht“ nach ihren Vorstellungen verändern, ihre als digitale Daten formatierten Sights
  • ... space, where real-time integration of development pictures, artificial life , as well as artistic features will display an...
  • Breath
    Human breathing is a complicated mechanism that can be influenced so that people changes their peed of breathing. Breath is a virtual space in which the spectator experiences in a cybernetic world presenting images how breath mechanism can be
  • Terrain 01 -
    ... found out. A human being is a part of the feedback loop in an artificial environment where uncontrollable elements (brain waves and...
  • Field-Work@Alsace -
    ... and September in 2002 under the support of ZKM (Center of Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany). (Masaki Fujihata)
  • La Morale sensitive takes its title from a philosophical project that Rousseau never completed, concerning the process of learning and experimentation through the phenomenon of perception. In combining the traditional book format with cinematic
  • Dialogue With The Knowbotic South- strategies on a changing view of nature A dynamic map of a data-land-scape providing a form of interaction with multilocal and multipresent information-fields. Following the example of the manneristic
  • ... Prof.N.Sgouros in Java and was produced by Master in Digital Art, School of Fine Arts, Athens. First performance was presented at...
  • Predicatable Lab -
    ... instead of natural possibilities in physical space we have artificial possibilities in digital space. What appears to occur, and...