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  • Echelon -
    ... at the rate of hundreds per minute,...
  • ...Sound plays an important role in the work of Janet Cardiff... in the work of Janet Cardiff and George Bures...
  • ... of a given process. However, an extimate can be... can imagine that it played a basic role in the... by choosing one of five scales. A large jump... to an electrocardiogram to detect...
  • ... without glass - how dumb is that!", "What... Unreal, in which the player can move freely in any... n o w h e r e is a gamemod, a modification of...
  • ... by the hand of the player - robbed of his...
  • ... also interested in how the audience may choose a... for eight choirs of five voices, to mark the... and child sopranos, Cardiff has replaced each...
  • House Fire
    Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and...
  • ...Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller developed in "The Muriel...
  • ... hard to follow; somehow what's happening on... by Janet Cardiff and George Bures...