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  • Earth day impromtu -
    ... Portugal, England, France and Canada). All participating artists...
  • Traces -
    ... CAVE or VR project (to the knowledge of the author). The root of...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... can either look at or choose how they wish their bodies to die; and... atmosphere, where owners can either look at or choose how they... out that, with neither their knowledge nor participation, their body...
  • Fugitive -
    ... to create an inteface which can interpret bodily dynamics.... based in a digital video database. The question of Embodiment is...
  • ... art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the...
  • Invisible Cantilever -
    ... and what is being viewed. How does technology alter our... induced by these media can undermine what Husserl calls the...
  • Quarxs - video
    ... each). Persiflage of science shows on TV, playful and fantastic... broadcast by France 3 and Canal+, create a pseudoscience around...
  • Big father -
    ... and the microscopic (scanning tunneling electron microscopes).... Examined as an organism, the datasphere is colonial, in the sense...
  • Lo Yo Yo -
    ... five heavily counterweighted cane rods, each. The rods rise and fall...
  • Petit Mal -
    ... endevours as we have no canon of autonomous interactive...