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  • ...Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3...
  • ... Corruption Centers / The Need Of Avoiding / Any...
  • ...How to view and operate the analytical grid and its several...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... suggesting a future where everything is virtually... Solo exhibition held at the Tarble Arts Center / Eastern...
  • me & u -
    ... gaze that reacts to the viewer's proximity. The...
  • ... co-construction process, where the task of narration was... research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts....
  • Strange Days -
    ... CryptoMania brings the cyberworld and human/machine...
  • Pabellon Macondo -
    ...ational Book Fair of Bogota, one of the largest book fairs in the...
  • ... rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this...
  • ... permanently installed in the entrance lobby of the F....