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  • 4 Space -
    ... viewers. The image is projected onto three curved sheet metal surfaces whose galvanized crystalline structure focuses the... half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three intricate parts, each controlled by one of the joysticks. Like a three dimensional...
  • Their Things Spoken -
    ... originating in apparently unimportant, unknown biographies. The artist distributed among visitors to the ZKM a leaflet asking, »Why...
  • ...Si poteris narrare, licetArtist: Jean Michel BruyereComment:
  • The Eighth Day -
    ...The Eighth Day -- The Eighth Day is a transgenic artwork that investigates the new ecology of fluorescent creatures that is evolving worldwide....
  • Uirapuru -
    ... its point of view are streamed on the Web. Local and remote participants interact with the avatar of the flying fish in a virtual...
  • Darker than Night -
    ..."Darker Than Night" is a telepresence artwork which explores the human-machine-animal interface and telepresence as a means of mediating...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... on November 11, 1997, in the context of the exhibition "Arte Suporte Computador", at the cultural center Casa da Rosas, in Sao...
  • ... life-supporting system. In a very dark room a pedestal with earth serves as a nursery for a single seed. Through a video projector...
  • ...Eduardo Kac pioneered telepresence art in 1986, when he created his first wireless robot, a remote-controlled anthropomorphic figure through...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... way. The easiest way to think of this representation metaphorically is that of a musical instrument: a set of rules with... be abstract enough where needed to not duplicate a real-world artefact. The technique of choice is known as physical modelling which...