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  • Gateway -
    ...GatewayArtist: Daniela Alina PleweComment:
  • Primordial Dance -
    ... using an interactive process of "artificial evolution." The artist and computer collaborate to produce images and movements that...
  • ... Woolf in 1928, that reads like a visionary metaphor, this is a biography of a figure, traveling through time and space, centuries and...
  • ...Ventilationsystem for a ShoeArtist: Andrea ZappComment:
  • Little Sister -
    "Little Sister" combines the potential suspense of live web cam images with closed circuit television and global surveillance camera sequences, based on over twenty online links to webcams worldwide, observing private and public locations. They
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    The Imaginary Hotel allowed visitors to occupy and design their ideal room within and fill it with personal content and inspiration. The installation architecture resembled a typical hotel room with its ubiquitous furniture and appliances. In
  • ... in 1996, gives continuation to my development of telepresence art. This time, however, instead of a robot hosting a human, we find...
    Medienbiennale Leipzig 94 - Minima Media Installationen im öffentlichen Raum Installations throughout the city of Leipzig Fred Fröhlich, Tjark Ihmels, Paul Sermon, Andrea Zapp
  • Particle Dreams -
    ...This piece contains a collection of dream sequences created using 3D particle systems techniques. Behavior rules are applied to thousands of...
  • Der Ausblick aus dem Fenster eines standardisiert eingerichteten Hotelzimmers stellt sich als Einspielung von Motiven dar. Via Internet können UserInnen die „Aussicht“ nach ihren Vorstellungen verändern, ihre als digitale Daten formatierten Sights