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  • PostPet -
    ...icial pet mail-soft. Planning and directing.(Graphic Design... e-mail just like a carrier pigeon. If your...
  • ... check the movement and respons of drivers. ... "Thanks Tails" are tails for cars. An organ which express...
  • SimTunes -
    ... screen, or canvas and a variety of tools,... Each bug is a caricature of the musical... in each of 4 different categories to choose...
  • Wine
    ...A delicate and silent animation. It suggests an inebriate... does through their carefully orchestrated... in almost undifferentiated fashion. The poem...
  • Monogram
    ... Kac's Monogram and many other files into a... beneath a pallet carrying cameras and other...
  • The Telegarden -
    ... web users to view and interact with a remote... a metaphor for the care and feeding of the... seven years. It currently is located in the Ars...
  • Exodus
    ... Ars Electronica 1995 and brainchild of Michael... unusual cartography is accompanied by...
  • Mega Diary
    ... What is "others", and what is "self"? ... project has been carried out four times. What...
  • The Dark Pool -
    Internetproject, have a look at
  • ... around four quartets and continue. What frames the... loom then a punch card or gesture of the weaver... states. Transparent shower curtains / black...