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The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania... a unique set of linear forms. These coded... The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania...
... colours can theoretically be... colours are lined up linearly with a... colours can theoretically be...
The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania... a unique set of linear forms. These coded... The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania...
... as to what will happen next.... feeling is the main purpose of... feeling is the main purpose of...
... ( The history of the ZKM... by means of the Linear Navigator designed... ( The history of the ZKM...
... allows the audience as creative... is an online database of the... allows the audience as creative...
House -... this way. HOUSE. What is "House." House... viewable over the internet. House is not... creating an online artwork. The... viewable over the internet. House is not...
... and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The... and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The...
... through the modern world is no... is no longer linear; the thread cannot... through the modern world is no...