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  • Room of One`s Own -
    ROOM OF ONE'S OWN (1993) forces the viewers eyes to become immersed into the actual space of a tiny articulated interactive electronic peep show. A stainless steel box placed at eye level with movable periscopic viewing device bridges the
  • America`s Finest -
    In 1830, both the camera and the colt revolver were invented. more than a half century later, in 1888 Etienne Jules Maray perfected a gun that substituted film for bullets. There has long been a historical relationship between the camera and the
  • Autopoiesis -
    Autopoiesis, is a robotic sculpture installation commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki Huhtamo, 2000. It consists of fifteen robotic sound sculptures that
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms
  • Cyber Squeeks -
    The Cyber-Squeek series spoofs the emergence of machine intelligence, in which electronics integrated with life-like forms, have begun to squeak their first words; in their language. Through multiple sensors and switches they respond to human touch
  • Delicate Balance -
    Delicate Balance is an interactive robotic work designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact
  • the Flock -
    The Flock is a group of musical interactive sound sculptures which exhibit behaviors analogous to the flocking found in natural groups such as birds, schooling fish or flying bats. Flocking behaviors demonstrate characteristics of supra
  • Move 36
    "Move 36" explores the permeable boundaries between the human and the nonhuman, the living and the nonliving. The title of "Move 36" refers to the dramatic chess move made by computer Deep Blue against world champion Gary Kasparov in 1997 -- a chess
  • bubbles -
    Interacting with virtual bubbles is quite just walk in front of the projectors light beam and cast your shadow onto the projection screen. The bubbles will recognize this shadow and bounce off its outlines, at the same time emitting