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  • Planetary Network -
    ... than 100 artists on three continents participated. The artists worked with computers, video text, slow-scan-TV, and telefax. The live...
  • Mirror_Piece -
    ...Mirror_Piece is a mirror version of Marnix de Nijs’ previous work Physiognomic Scrutinizer. Equipped with biometric video analyzing software,...
  • ... endoplasmic reticulum, the cytosceleton, the mitocondria.. The work SOFT FACTORY was constructed at the Royal Institute of Technology...
  • Orbic Field s01 -
    ... This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work called Orbic Field. The number s01 indicates that it is the first...
  • Orbic Field s02 -
    ... 2018 A still image from the Acevedo Electronic Visual Music work called Orbic Field The number s02 indicates that it is the second...
  • Orbic Field s04 -
    ... This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work called Orbic Field. The number s04 indicates that it is the fifth...
  • Orbic Field s05 -
    ... This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work called Orbic Field. The number s05 indicates that it is the fifth...
  • ...Sound plays an important role in the work of Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller (Canadian, b. 1957; 1960) whose video Hill Climbing (1999)...
  • ... focus on simultaneous experimentation with multiple media. The works he produced at that time, between 1982 and 1984, show a...
  • ... are a synthesis between the code and the territory. The work is a direct conceptual continuation of my other piece, Becoming,...