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  • Blowup
    ...Blowup is an interactive performance environment, designed for choreographed performances and public interaction. The work consists of a large... data is employed to manipulate the live imagery. Distinct parts of the body are treated independently by the software. Data can...
  • Time Value -
    ... developments and cost saving in industrial business. Eight interactive electronic clocks are connected in real time on the...
  • ... installation, one was in effect increasingly submerged in the interactive space. Sounds included heartbeats and breathing that...
  • Mediated Encounters -
    ...Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to...
  • ... goal was not to create pictures remotely but to explore the interactive, improvisational quality of both personal and public...
  • ...Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart...
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ...Four Imaginary Walls is an interactive environment controlled by external weather conditions. Sensor devices measure wind speed, light levels...
  • Frames -
    ...Grahame Weinbren's Frames is an interactive, three-screen projection work, using infra-red sensor arrays to detect user input, combined...
  • FLOOR | PISO -
    ...FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time...
  • ...Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based experiment around the topic of becoming... to this debate: what if we could replace the diseased?parts of our DNA? What if we could?swap genes with other...