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  • Plane -
    ... and impli- cates each place in its representation, its role and its objective. The...
  • ... experiments with the possibilities of representation within the so called New Media.
  • ... consisting of a pre-scanned 'x-ray like' representation of the entire complex and a... the onward motion of a camera as in the example of driving a car - where you can...
  • ... In the most extreme case, the representation of the existing space will be... if you crash into one of the pillars, for example, then you will be cast abruptly backwards...
  • ... a realistic three-dimensionality that represents reality as we know it, but finding a...
  • Harewood -
    ... of a pixel a second so that a whole image represents the previous 21.33 hours. Each image is...
  • ... In this, we see Cronkite’s transcripts represented by the Courier font while the live news...
  • Beacon
    ... central document of Jewish law, and it represents a vital conversation that has taken...
  • ... and their abstraction - color squares representing images using their average hue. This...
  • ... of the things we "don't know we know", representing a kind of cultural dark matter. The...