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  • ... engine results returned to a user when the criteria, 'Please Help...
  • Computer-driven media installation with variable narratives and spatial configurations. Source: Lev Manovich
  • ...This interactive installation was first shown at the Bonnefanten Museum, in... representation. The viewers used the joystick to control their... of today’s game-graphics cards, the SGI was still a very limited...
  • ... as a virtual anamorphic image showing the composite of the four... atop the four structures use the touch screens to view a library...
  • ... While the Panoramic Navigator used the real environment as its frame...
  • ... which involves every user with the setting up of an urban...
  • ... walk around the piece it shows the cardinal directions and a text... around the piece it shows the cardinal directions and a text locked...
  • ... surround-sound system. The user interface, developed specifically...
  • Venetian 3 -
    ... of 200 with 3 recordings, that use audio material recorded in Venice,... in protective plastic sheet and cardboard cover) was added an...
  • ... first developed in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a...