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  • Body Language -
    ... (source:...
  • Petite Terre -
    ... world. (source:...
  • ... (source:...
  • 60 -
    ... mounted above the entry way so that passages along the... (source:...
  • ...There are many ways to "locate" a city, and oneself within it. One... There are many ways to "locate" a city, and oneself within it. One... and rooftops of several homes , a real-estate office, a...
  • The Savant Guard -
    ... with a second mirror, it casts a constant oval beam (the... see pics. In this way, the sun-tracker and the...
  • Extruder -
    ... Play-Doh cars at the Mandeville Gallery at Union... Along the way it has figured out how to...
  • ... of "stuff"... objects of many sorts. The gallery visitor... them. (source:...
  • Universal Translator -
    ... sound hardware of the human body. The interface for... and diffused in various ways. The incoming audio is also... body. (source:...
  • ... are made on vellum using many Papermate pens. is controlled in two ways. First by the machines...