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  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... as it directly has an effect on how the sculpture is experienced. For... made of wood, stone or steel can have a different meaning, and can... "The project Tree of Knowledge explores interactions between art and science by...
  • ... reported events of killed American soldiers, whose details are not... are updated on the website, the data is extracted and sent wirelessly...
  • ...CAE transforms statistical data on global economic inequality into an embodied...
  • Molecular Invasion -
    ... genetically modified canola, corn, and soy plants through...
  • Expanded Self -
    ... only beginning to understand how this astonishing community of... uses a gigantic petri dish as canvas and the bacteria living on her...
  • ... impulses and variations to a data-processing program. In return, a...
  • ... people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a... of the immense amount of data. Additionally audio and visuals...
  • ... during exhibitions has shown its ability to respond to users'... produces an open structure that can be continually and endlessly... The technique of choice is known as physical modelling which... coupled and operate on the same data set constituting the genom....
  • ... uses limited-rage infrared data exchange to remember every other...
  • ... (red circular nodes) based on how often the papers were cited... derives directly from the data. Larger paradigms have more...