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  • Environmental Media Studies explored new ways of representing landscape and place. Moving Movie #1 (1977) was an inexpensive modest study made at MIT. I was obsessed with why movie cameras move and movie projectors don’t, and filmed the Boston
  • Talking Head Projection was an experiment in enhanced tele-presence. The idea was an extension of the popular head projection in Disneys Haunted Mansion, where the moving image of a woman is projected on a face-shaped screen, resulting in true 3D
  • ...On a dark computerscreen the viewer sees a threedimensional sphere with a surface showing a closeup view of human skin. By lifting up the mouse...
  • The journey by a fleet of small vessels under way between Québec City and New York City on the St-Laurent and Richelieu Rivers, Lake Champlain and the Hudson River is being photographed using a technique developped by Luc Courchesne and a his
  • ... Le dialogue est en français et en allemand. (Extrait du communiqué de presse de l'exposition) Réalisé en 1999 à...
  • ... city because of the size and diversity of its many immigrant communities. Melbourne also has the reputation of being the comedy...
  • Unstable -
    ... displayed as pixels of light whose structure is randomized by computer processing. These are projected onto a large curved metal...
  • Plain Plane Playing -
    ...Video tape Images of Baroque interiors are interlaced by a computer generated scrolling key pattern that was interactively modulated by the...
  • 4 Space -
    ...In this interactive installation, three viewers are able to manipulate components of a computer-generated image using multi-axis joysticks...
  • Between the words -
    ...This installation constitutes a specific modality of remote communication between two persons where facial expression and hand gestures are its...