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  • ... that is central to the processes of global supply chains, with...
  • ... experience it as a labyrinthine process with unexpected endings. While... uncovered hidden realities, namely the previously unknown murals...
  • ... with their top level domain names. You win by matching any of the...
  • ... predator and prey, must be named and their geographical...
  • Tryalogue
    ... video, we are capturing the process of incessant calculations which...
  • ... even completely new image. The process resembles Mendel's law of... to have something of a DNA, namely the description of the RGB color...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... shapes such as a cube. This process generates an infinite variety...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... viewer is immersed in a dynamic process of observation, action, and...
  • Peep Hole -
    ... The work aims to explores the processes of looking at and being in a...
  • ... erases itself as soon as it is processed. The project consists of an...