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  • Fitness Art Centre -
    Three screens are linked to three body-building machines that visitors are invited to use. Doing so activates images of demonstrators projected onto the screens but blurred by the random appearance and disappearance of big brand logos. The whole
  • Landstream -
    Landstream visualizes the flux produced by communication technologies, the invisible signals which cross through us, and of which we are, most of the time, completely unaware. A programme analyses the flux running through a space, and transforms the
  • Paradise -
    "Olga Kisseleva’s project for the Musée Chagall, is formulated as an echo to the works displayed in the exhibition space but opens the proposition as it expands its reach. She takes illustrations from sacred books as does Chagall, but her intention
  • "Reference Flow," 2009 1 or 5 Neon Exit Signs, motors, computerized surveillance tracking system, slip rings, custom software dimensions variable edition of 6, 1 AP "Reference Flow" is an interactive installation where a number of illuminated
  • "Flatsun," 2011 Custom-made LED screen, computerized surveillance tracking system, fluid dynamic algorithms (Navier Stokes, fractal flames, reaction diffusion and Perlin noise), aluminium, stainless steel, glass 55.12" / 140 cm diameter 6.3" / 6
  • "Seismoscope 2: Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali", 2009 Persian (1058-1111), author of "The Incoherence of Philosophers" 16.1" x 17.7" x 6.7" / 41 x 45 x 17 cm, XY Plotter 45.2" x 16.1" x 17.7" / 115 x 41 x 45 cm podium 11" x 17" / 28
  • Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator, Hill Street, Singapore 2006. In 1909 the Armenian Church of St Gregory the Illuminator was the first building in Singapore to acquire electric lights and fans. This fact no doubt had its resonances with the
  • The Savant Guard -
    The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself
  • Windscreen -
    Windscreen is an experimental, wind-driven physical interface, 2001. Any physical scale habitable by the human body is also "inhabited" by massive levels of sensory data, equivalent to perhaps millions of analog-to-digital inputs a second. My
  • Extruder -
    ...The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has...