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  • ... transitions - a complexity that cannot be grasped. These qualities are... by user interaction. (knowbotic research) triggered by actions with a dataglove, is made audible: Different...
  • ... motif is still recognizable; however, the original form has been... techno-images (...) The significance of Uršula Berlot’s exhibition... manipulation or reduction of data using filters in the domain of...
  • ... stripe images had been shown there on a flatscreen presented... of the project is that it can’t be subordinated by only one... between image information and data, between measuring and taking a...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... of variable and interchangeable data, allowing the viewer to alter or...
  • Semantic Map -
    ... of meaning, viewers can actively engage with content and... for the spatial discovery of knowledge in the SEMANTIC MAP - A RADAR FOR THE DATA COSMOS (2001/04) The Semantic Map presents...
  • ... the images on the screen. Users can influence the train ride by swiping... Computing, and Environmental Knowing, The MIT Press, 2004. [5]... Inscribing a Square -Urban Data as Public Space, Springer Verlag,...
  • ... object and myself, and about how I can comprehend this object in... everyday life. Signs as they can be found in airports, train... illustrated brochure of human knowledge and personal experience. In... back to the objects stored as data bases in the computer. ...
  • FemCity -
    ... unexpected results. In the end however a few facts about economic... as well as social interaction can always lead to unexpected results.... to do with competition. "We know that co-operation, rather than... economic processes, statistical data and about alternative lifestyles...
  • Digital Body-Automata -
    ... but more importantly they show that without a transformation of our... on the objects, the viewers can see animated characters on the... and mechanic parts and The Data Body(1950) explores the history of...
  • ... during exhibitions has shown its ability to respond to users'... produces an open structure that can be continually and endlessly... The technique of choice is known as physical modelling which... coupled and operate on the same data set constituting the genom....