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  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ... of Peter Broadwell and Rob Myers that sharing...
  • ... subtle, persistent, and private manner. They can... small enough to be carried in a pocket, worn as...
  • ... Dreaming from 1992 and Telematic Vision from... a blue box backdrop, carpet and table. i.e. only... identifies a different set of rituals in human...
  • ... interface and visualization strategies... LEWIS CARROL ALICE IN WONDERLAND ... the four different virtual spaces, each of...
  • ... to on the facade and a large animated... on the street "caressed" the building, they...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... is both my body and a remote database, a... "Time Capsule" was carried live on the evening...
  • ... a person, identity and gender unknown - a...
  • ... artificial system and gives life to the physic... using a sensorized carpet to capture people...
  • ... on the perception of and on the engagement with... environments. The cartographies consisted of...
  • AirBoard -
    ... with jet engine and made for the purpose of... No person has been carried. The final purpose of...